FiveM Multicharacter

FiveM Multicharacter : Total Guide

QB MultiCharacter  & FiveM Multicharacter Installation 

QB MultiCharacter is a FiveM resource that allows players to create up to 5 characters and switch between them at will. It is a popular resource among FiveM players, and is often used in conjunction with other popular resources such as QB-Core and QB-Spawn.

QB MultiCharacter is a relatively simple resource to use. Once installed, players can create new characters by interacting with the character creation menu. The character creation menu allows players to customize their character’s appearance, including their gender, hair style, skin color, and clothing.

Once a character has been created, players can switch between them by opening the character selection menu. The character selection menu allows players to see a list of all of their created characters, and to switch to the character they want to play as.

QB MultiCharacter is a versatile resource that can be used to add a new level of depth and replayability to FiveM. It is a must-have resource for any FiveM player who wants to be able to create multiple characters and switch between them at will.

Here are some of the features of QB MultiCharacter:

  • Ability to create up to 5 characters
  • Ability to delete any character
  • Ability to see character information during the selection
  • Dependencies: qb-core, qb-spawn, qb-apartments, qb-clothing, qb-weathersync

Here are some of the benefits of using QB MultiCharacter:

  • Allows players to create multiple characters
  • Allows players to switch between characters at will
  • Adds a new level of depth and replayability to FiveM
  • Is a must-have resource for any FiveM player

Overall, QB MultiCharacter is a great resource that can add a lot of value to your FiveM experience. If you’re looking for a way to create multiple characters and switch between them at will, then QB MultiCharacter is the resource for you.

  • Step 1: Download QB MultiCharacter Go to the Buy page of QB MultiCharacter and click on the green “Code” button, then click “Download ZIP”. After downloading, extract the ZIP file.
  • Step 2: Rename the Folder Rename the extracted folder to ‘qb-multicharacter’. This step is crucial because FiveM server.cfg files are sensitive to resource folder names.
  • Step 3: Upload to Server Upload the ‘qb-multicharacter’ folder to your server’s resources directory. The method for this varies depending on your server host. Some providers allow direct file uploads, while others may require you to use SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) or a similar method.
  • Step 4: Configure Server.cfg In your server.cfg file, you need to ensure that the QB MultiCharacter resource is started after the QBCore resource. To do this, add ensure qb-multicharacter a line after the ensure qb-core. Your server.cfg should look something like this:
  • ensure qb-core
    ensure qb-multicharacter
  • Step 5: Import SQL File The qb-multicharacter resource comes with an SQL file that needs to be imported into your database. This SQL file creates the necessary tables for the MultiCharacter functionality. Find the file (usually named qb-multicharacter.sql) and import it into your MySQL database. How you do this will depend on your database management software. In phpMyAdmin, for example, you can select your database from the left-hand column, click on the “Import” tab, and upload your SQL file.
  • Step 6: Server Restart Once everything is set up, restart your server. If all steps have been followed correctly, the MultiCharacter resource should now be running on your server. You can verify this by connecting to your server and checking if the character selection/creation screen appears.
  • This should guide you through installing the QB MultiCharacter resource on your FiveM server. Remember that any change you make to your server should be tested thoroughly to ensure that it doesn’t negatively impact the server’s performance or stability. If you encounter any problems, the FiveM community and the QBCore community are valuable resources for help and advice.

FiveM QB MultiCharacter & FiveM Multicharacter issues Solution

  • 1. Understand the Issue:
  • First, you need to understand the issue. What’s the error message? When does it occur? Are there any triggers or specific circumstances that cause the issue? Look for logs or error messages in your console to get more information.
  • 2. Isolate the Issue:
  • Try to isolate the problem. If the error occurs under specific circumstances, try to reproduce it in a controlled setting. The more specific you can be about when the problem occurs, the easier it will be to fix it.
  • 3. Check for Recent Changes:
  • Have you made any changes recently to the QB MultiCharacter code or any other scripts interacting with it? If yes, try to revert those changes and see if the issue persists.
  • 4. Verify the Database:
  • Sometimes, issues with QB MultiCharacter can be related to the database. Ensure that your database is set up correctly, that it has the right structure, and that it can be accessed properly from the server.
  • 5. Update the Code:
  • If you’re running an old version of QB MultiCharacter, you may want to update to the latest version. Before doing so, make sure to backup your current version in case the update doesn’t solve your problem or causes new ones.
  • 6. Seek Help:
  • If you still can’t resolve the issue, you might want to reach out for help. The FiveM community forums and the GitHub page for QB MultiCharacter are great places to ask for help. When posting, make sure to provide as much information as possible about the issue and what you’ve tried so far.
  • 7. Troubleshoot and Debug:
  • Use debugging tools to step through the code and see exactly where and why it’s failing. Use print statements to check the values of variables at various points, especially before and after where you suspect the issue lies.
  • Remember that this is a general approach. The specific steps may vary based on the exact problem you’re facing. When in doubt, reaching out to the community or a knowledgeable individual is often the best course of action.

FiveM is a modification framework for Grand Theft Auto V, enabling the creation of custom servers with unique gameplay mechanics. QB MultiCharacter is an add-on for the QBCore Framework used in FiveM, providing multi-character functionality. This gives players the opportunity to experience multiple in-game roles and stories without the need to have multiple accounts.

QB-MultiCharacter GitHub

On GitHub, developers can find the QB MultiCharacter resource, which provides the code necessary for adding the multi-character functionality to a FiveM server running the QBCore Framework. This open-source repository is where developers can report issues, contribute to the code, or clone the project for their own uses.

QB-MultiCharacter NoPixel

NoPixel is a highly exclusive Grand Theft Auto V role-playing server in FiveM. QB MultiCharacter is often used within such servers, like NoPixel, to provide users with the ability to have multiple characters. This feature enhances player interaction, experiences and broadens the scope of role-play narratives.

FiveM QBCore MultiCharacter

QBCore is a framework used by developers to build customized servers in FiveM. FiveM QBCore MultiCharacter is a combination of these resources, meaning that a FiveM server built with the QBCore framework has the QB MultiCharacter feature, allowing players to develop and switch between multiple characters within the game.

FiveM MultiCharacter

FiveM MultiCharacter refers to the feature in FiveM that enables users to create and manage multiple characters on the same server. This greatly enhances the role-playing experience, as users can explore different narratives, roles, and experiences with each character.

FiveM ESX MultiCharacter

ESX is another popular framework for creating FiveM servers, similar to QBCore. FiveM ESX MultiCharacter refers to the multi-character feature available within servers running the ESX framework. This provides similar functionality to the QB MultiCharacter, enabling users to create, manage, and switch between multiple characters on a single server.

MultiCharacter FiveM

MultiCharacter FiveM is a broad term used to describe the multi-character functionality present in the FiveM platform. Whether using the QBCore or ESX frameworks, or another entirely, this feature is significant to enhancing the role-playing element of FiveM by allowing users to create and interact with multiple characters.

MultiCharacter Script FiveM

The MultiCharacter Script for FiveM is the programming code that enables the multi-character functionality within FiveM. This script can be added to a server, irrespective of whether it’s running on the QBCore or ESX framework, to give players the ability to create and manage multiple characters.

ESX Legacy MultiCharacter

ESX Legacy MultiCharacter is a version of the multi-character feature specifically for the ESX Legacy framework within FiveM. Like its counterparts in other frameworks, it allows players to create and maintain several characters in the game, each with its own storyline and role-play scenario.


ESX_MultiCharacter is the exact script name for the multi-character functionality within the ESX framework for FiveM. It’s an essential resource for developers looking to provide multi-character experiences in their custom servers.

ESX MultiCharacter

ESX MultiCharacter refers to the multi-character feature implemented within the ESX framework on FiveM. Like the QBCore counterpart, it provides players the ability to create and switch between multiple characters in a single game environment.

FiveM ESX MultiCharacter

FiveM ESX MultiCharacter refers to servers on the FiveM platform running the ESX framework that have the multi-character functionality enabled. This feature adds a layer of depth to role-playing scenarios by allowing players to explore different narratives and experiences with each character they create.

MultiCharacter ESX

MultiCharacter ESX is the multi-character functionality within the ESX framework for FiveM. It gives players the opportunity to explore diverse narratives and role-play scenarios by creating and managing multiple characters within the same server.

FiveM QB-Multi Character

The term FiveM QB-Multi Character refers to the multi-character functionality available within servers running the QBCore framework in FiveM. This allows players to create and switch between multiple characters, each with their unique narratives and role-play scenarios, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

ESX Multi Character FiveM

ESX Multi Character FiveM refers to servers on the FiveM platform running the ESX framework with the multi-character functionality enabled. This allows players to experience diverse narratives and role-play scenarios by creating and managing multiple characters.

FiveM Multi Character

FiveM Multi Character is a generalized term referring to the multi-character feature across the FiveM platform, irrespective of the framework used (QBCore, ESX, etc.). It describes the ability for players to create and interact with multiple characters within a single game environment, enhancing their role-play experience.

FiveM Multi Character ESX

FiveM Multi Character ESX refers to the multi-character feature found on FiveM servers that use the ESX framework. Like its QBCore counterpart, it allows players to create and switch between multiple characters, significantly enhancing the role-playing experience.

FiveM Multi Character Leak

FiveM Multi Character Leak could refer to leaked scripts or resources that enable multi-character functionality on FiveM servers. While some developers may use such leaks to implement this feature, it’s generally frowned upon due to potential copyright infringement and security risks.

FiveM Multi Character Script

The FiveM Multi Character Script is the code that provides the multi-character functionality within FiveM servers. This script, whether implemented within a QBCore or ESX framework, enhances role-play scenarios by allowing players to create and manage multiple characters within the same game environment.

FiveM Multi Character System

The FiveM Multi Character System refers to the underlying system that allows for multi-character functionality within FiveM servers. This system, regardless of the specific framework used, provides players the ability to create, manage, and switch between multiple characters, thereby enriching the role-playing experience.

Multi Character FiveM

Multi Character FiveM is a broad term encompassing the multi-character functionality found in FiveM servers. Regardless of the framework used (QBCore, ESX, or others), this feature enables players to create and switch between multiple characters, thereby diversifying their gameplay and role-play experiences.

Multi Character FiveM ESX

Multi-Character FiveM ESX refers to the multi-character functionality found in FiveM servers that use the ESX framework. This feature allows players to create, manage, and switch between multiple characters, thereby providing diverse gameplay and role-play scenarios.

Multi Character FiveM Script

The Multi Character FiveM Script refers to the code that allows for multi-character functionality on FiveM servers. Whether implemented in the QBCore or ESX framework, this script enables players to create and manage multiple characters, enhancing their gameplay and role-play experience.

Multi Character FiveM QB

Multi Character FiveM QB refers to the multi-character functionality found in FiveM servers that use the QBCore framework. Like the ESX equivalent, this feature allows players to create, manage, and switch between multiple characters, enhancing the depth of role-play scenarios.

QB Multi Character

QB Multi Character is a feature of the QBCore framework in FiveM that allows players to create and manage multiple characters within the same server. It adds depth to the role-playing experience by enabling players to explore different narratives and roles with each character.

Multi Character FiveM QB

Multi Character FiveM QB refers to the multi-character functionality found in FiveM servers that use the QBCore framework. This feature enhances the role-playing experience by enabling players to create, manage, and switch between multiple characters, each with its own unique narrative and role-play scenario.



Buy FiveM MultiCharacter


QBCore Multicharacter

QBCore Multicharacter | multicharacter script for qbcore server.Stylish and cool qbcore script


  • cool Ui
  • unique design
  • easy to setup




A Multicharacter system for FiveM

FiveM QBCore Multicharacter Spawn

This multi-character script allows you to create a backstory for your server and obtain a visa. There are several features available here.


  • Create New Character
  • Delete Characters
  • Confirmation on deleting character
  • Backstory Option
  • Easy to switch Option
  • Create more than one character
  • Cool Unique design
  • best qbcore multicharacter




Advance Multicharacter ESX and QBCORE

Standalone Multicharacter | Advance ESX and QBCORE Script for FiveM.Supports Updating Slots number via config or commands. there is no maximum number but 10-20 is good.


  • Support ESX and QBCORE
  • ESX Legacy Standard Multicharacter Logic using (char) as a prefix
  • Intro Cameras and BG music
  • Character Deletion
  • Support Showing Your Custom Logo
  • Builtin Character Registration
  • Supports Spawn Selector (by default this uses my renzu_spawn as a Selector)
  • Supports Latest skin-changer & five appearances or qb-clothing
  • Supports /relog command (logout)
  • Supports Updating Slots number via config or commands. there is no maximum number but 10-20 is good.
  • Support Starter items
  • Player States on the UI


QBCore Multicharacter 2

QBCore Multicharacter 3

QBCore Multicharacter 4

  • Multi Character Feature for QB-Core Framework

QBCore Multicharacter NoPixel Style

QBCore-Multicharacter | qbcore with nopixel style 24


  • you can use the HTML and config


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