FiveM Halloween MLO Pack


Explore the eerie Legion Square with our FiveM Halloween MLO Pack, featuring haunted interiors, spooky lighting, and chilling effects.

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Immerse yourself in the eerie excitement of our latest release, the FFiveM Halloween MLO Pack. Set in the iconic Legion Square, this map features a variety of haunting settings perfect for any Halloween event or horror-themed game.

Key Features of FiveM Halloween MLO Pack

  • Diverse Interiors: Experience settings like a creepy convenience store and a haunted modern gallery.
  • Visual Impact: Be captivated by the chilling sight of suspended bodies, making a memorable impression.
  • Immersive Setting: Perfect for hosting Halloween events and crafting spine-chilling storylines.
  • Spooky Lighting: Dramatic shadows and an eerie atmosphere with colored lights and flickering candles.

Why Choose our FiveM Halloween MLO Pack

This FiveM Halloween MLO Pack takes your gaming experience to new heights with stunningly detailed environments and unique thematic elements. Explore Legion Square like never before, wrapped in the spirit of Halloween.

  • Flying Jack-o-Lanterns: Magical jack-o-lanterns add a whimsical yet spooky touch.
  • Cursed Fountain: A fountain that transforms anyone who dares touch its eerie green waters.
  • Fire Pit and Storytelling Circle: Gather around to share ghost stories in this cozy, haunted setting.


The FiveM Halloween MLO Pack is more than just a map; it’s a gateway to a fully immersive, horror-filled experience in FiveM. With its high-quality details, engaging environments, and chilling thematic features, this map is set to be the centerpiece of your Halloween festivities in FiveM. Prepare to be enthralled, frightened, and utterly amazed!

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FiveM Halloween MLO Pack

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FiveM Halloween MLO PackFiveM Halloween MLO Pack
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